ISO 37301 Compliance Management System Certification

ISO 37301 Compliance Management System Certification|Leverage

ISO 37301 Compliance Management System Certification

 ISO 37301 Compliance Management System Certification  

 ISO 37301 Compliance Management System Certification

On April 13, 2021, ISO 37301:2021 – Compliance Management Systems – Requirements With Guidance For Use was officially released. ISO 37301 specifies the requirements for establishing, operating, maintaining, and improving a compliance management system within an organization and provides guidelines for its use. It offers a systematic approach for all types of organizations to enhance their compliance management capabilities and is applicable to organizations of any type, size, nature, and industry worldwide.

 ISO 37301 Compliance Management System Certification

In recent years, global trade relationships have become increasingly complex. Countries around the world have successively established stringent compliance regulatory systems, and regulatory authorities have strengthened legislation and enforcement efforts, guiding and urging enterprises to implement more proactive compliance operations. Internationally, organizations such as the United Nations, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) have developed global agreements, guidelines, and directives, forming a consensus on core compliance management issues. Compliance has become the foundation for the success and sustainable development of all types of organizations.

The formulation of the ISO 37301 standard is significant for building the compliance management capabilities of various organizations, enhancing government regulatory activities, improving international trade exchanges, and fostering better communication and cooperation. It provides systematic methods for corporate leaders to enhance their organization's compliance management capabilities, serves as a reference for regulatory and judicial authorities to recognize the compliance management practices of corporate organizations, and offers universal rules to facilitate trade, exchanges, and cooperation among global stakeholders.

 ISO 37301 Compliance Management System Certification

The PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) concept adopted by this standard fully covers the entire process of establishing, operating, maintaining, and improving a compliance management system. Based on the principles of compliance governance, it provides a comprehensive solution for organizations to establish and operate a compliance management system and promote a positive compliance culture.

Leverage collaborates with the Shanghai Corporate Compliance Research Center and multiple standard drafters. Additionally, Wei Feng Qu of Leverage, one of the drafters of the " Standard on the professional skills of corporate compliance officers," is dedicated to improving corporate compliance management systems. Leverage helps enterprises identify potential risks in their operations and enhance their core competitiveness.

Corporate Compliance


·  Identify and classify compliance obligations

·  Identify and assess compliance risks

·  Implement risk control measures

·  Conduct internal management system audits

 Contact us                                

Murphy Fei   + 86 13917452486

Aron Qu  + 86 13917794381

Weber Hu  + 86 18817921025


Shanghai :                                         

Leverage Limited (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Address: Room 402, No 2. Building, No .1328, Hengnan Rd, Shanghai, China
Phone: + 86 21 64067720

■ Hongkong :                                        

Leverage Global Limited
Address: Room 1318-19, Hollywood Plaza, 610 Nathan Road, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Phone: + 852 9045 0526



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