Carbon Neutrality Solutions PAS2060/ ISO14068

Carbon Neutrality Solutions PAS2060/ ISO14068

Carbon Neutrality Solutions PAS2060/


What is carbon neutrality? Carbon neutrality refers to offsetting carbon emissions through measures such as carbon capture and utilization, after a significant reduction in carbon emissions, ultimately achieving "zero emissions."


"Zero Carbon" does not mean no carbon dioxide emissions, but rather offsetting the "carbon footprint" through calculating greenhouse gas (mainly carbon dioxide) emissions, designing schemes to reduce carbon emissions, and achieving "zero carbon," which means zero carbon emissions. Greenhouse gases refer to atmospheric gases that absorb and re-emit infrared radiation, causing the greenhouse effect, including natural and anthropogenic components. There are many types of greenhouse gases, but the main ones that need to be controlled are seven, including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCS), perfluorocarbons (PFCS), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), and nitrogen trifluoride (NF3).

Leverage can customize a series of carbon offsetting and carbon neutrality strategies and management plans for enterprises based on the PAS 2060 Carbon Neutrality Standard & ISO 14068 Carbon Neutrality Standard.



PAS 2060

ISO 14068

Publishing Body

PAS 2060 is published by the British   Standards Institution (BSI)

ISO 14068 is published by the   International Organization for Standardization (ISO)


PAS 2060 focuses primarily on calculating   and certifying carbon footprints for products, services, or organizations

ISO 14068 has a broader focus on carbon   footprint management, including calculation, reporting, verification, and   reduction.

Certification Process

PAS 2060 emphasizes certifying the   calculation and reduction of carbon footprints

ISO 14068 includes the verification of   carbon footprint reporting, in addition to calculation and reduction


PAS 2060 is applicable to the management   of carbon footprints for products, services, or organizations

ISO 14068 is more broadly applicable to   the management of carbon footprints for enterprises, including the entire   value chain


PAS 2060 aims to help organizations   quantify and manage the carbon footprints of their products or services,   providing them with certification

ISO 14068 aims to help organizations   implement effective carbon footprint management systems to achieve carbon   footprint reduction and reporting transparency


ISO 14068 raises the bar for emission   reduction goals, and the standard is more rigorous

Contact us

Murphy Fei   + 86 13917452486
Aron Qu  + 86 13917794381
                          Weber Hu  + 86 18817921025



Shanghai :                                         

Leverage Limited (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Address: Room 402, No 2. Building, No .1328, Hengnan Rd, Shanghai, China
Phone: + 86 21 64067720

■ Hongkong :                                        

Leverage Global Limited
Address: Room 1318-19, Hollywood Plaza, 610 Nathan Road, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Phone: + 852 9045 0526



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