C-TPAT Assessment

C-TPAT Assessment


 C-TPAT Assessment  


 C-TPAT Assessment                                                  

C-TPAT (Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism) is an initiative by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) under the Department of Homeland Security. It aims to strengthen and improve the overall international supply chain and U.S. border security by fostering a cooperative relationship between the government and the business community. It is a voluntary supply chain security program designed to enhance the security of private enterprises in the face of terrorism.

Services Leverage Provides     

Conduct comprehensive security assessments of your entire supply chain to enhance security measures and ensure compliance with security requirements.


Offer training to help you learn, understand, and master all supply chain security management requirements for foreign manufacturers.


Develop feasible implementation plans for both domestic and foreign operational sites.


Evaluate the organization's security processes, identify corrective actions, and establish improvement plans.


Conduct compliance assessments for potential or contracted suppliers, manufacturers, freight forwarders, and other similar service providers.


C-TPAT Audit Projects Offered by Leverage Include:

※  Computer system security and control

※  Document flow management

※  Access control

※  Education and training awareness

※  Manifest procedures and transportation security

※  Reliability of external barriers and physical facilities

※  Internal factory security

※  Employee security within the factory

※  Loading and unloading area security

 C-TPAT Assessment

 C-TPAT Assessment

C-TPAT Audit Process                   

 C-TPAT Assessment

Initial Meeting

Employee Interviews 

Factory Inspection

Document Review

Closing Meeting

 Contact us                                

Murphy Fei   + 86 13917452486

Aron Qu  + 86 13917794381

Weber Hu  + 86 18817921025




Shanghai :                                         

Leverage Limited (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Address: Room 402, No 2. Building, No .1328, Hengnan Rd, Shanghai, China
Phone: + 86 21 64067720
Email: cs@leveragelimited.com

■ Hongkong :                                        

Leverage Global Limited
Address: Room 1318-19, Hollywood Plaza, 610 Nathan Road, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Phone: + 852 9045 0526
Email: info@leveragelimited.com



【Contact Us】

+86 21 64067720

Email: info@leveragelimited.com

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