Corporate Low-Carbon Transition Solutions

Corporate Low-Carbon Transition Solutions|Leverage

Corporate Low-Carbon Transition Solutions

Corporate Low-Carbon Transition Solutions

Global climate change caused by the emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases has become one of the major challenges humanity faces. Increasingly, nations are setting carbon neutrality as a strategic goal and taking active measures to address climate change. In May 2021, the European Parliament passed its first Climate Law, officially incorporating the "climate neutrality" goal into EU law. In September 2020, China announced its national " Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Goals " strategy to peak carbon emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. As the main sources of carbon emissions and the principal agents of carbon neutrality implementation, businesses must seize the significant development opportunities of building a "net-zero" future by taking climate action, advancing comprehensive deep emission reductions, and achieving low-carbon transitions.

Corporate Low-Carbon Transition Solutions

Our Solutions

Substantive Analysis

Assist enterprises in systematically analyzing and evaluating the opportunities and risks that external factors such as carbon-related policies, regulations, and industry initiatives may bring to their development.

Target Setting

Help enterprises set science-based decarbonization targets using widely recognized tools and methodologies.

Capability Enhancement

Guide enterprises to enhance their operational functions and supply chain capabilities for implementing decarbonization action plans through awareness promotion and capacity building, based on established decarbonization goals.

Carbon Neutral Certification

Issue 3rd certification (certificate and label) to prove that a enterprise's greenhouse gas emissions and/or product carbon footprint have achieved "net-zero" through decarbonization and offset measures.

Inventory Diagnostics

Conduct comprehensive carbon emissions inventories for enterprises at the product, operational, and supply chain levels to identify and analyze decarbonization potential and opportunities within different emission boundaries.

Pathway Planning

Help enterprises systematically design and streamline decarbonization pathways, achieving decarbonization goals through the establishment of energy management systems, energy audits, and the use of renewable energy.

Information Disclosure

Assist enterprises in regularly disclosing information on direct emissions (Scope 1), indirect emissions (Scope 2), other indirect emissions (Scope 3), and the implementation of decarbonization action plans, in compliance with applicable carbon emission information disclosure systems and standards, and strengthen the credibility of carbon emission information through 3rd verification.

Providing Industrial Carbon Reduction Solutions

Use of clean energy

▶Digital enhancement of energy management levels

▶Digitization of production processes

▶Establishment of industry standard systems

▶Green supply chain management

▶Renewal, transformation, and recycling

▶Energy-saving and carbon reduction technology upgrades

▶Development of green factories

▶Industrial process reengineering

▶Elimination of outdated production equipment

▶Strengthening employee training

Corporate Low-Carbon Transition Solutions

Contact us

Murphy Fei   + 86 13917452486
Aron Qu  + 86 13917794381
                          Weber Hu  + 86 18817921025



Shanghai :                                         

Leverage Limited (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Address: Room 402, No 2. Building, No .1328, Hengnan Rd, Shanghai, China
Phone: + 86 21 64067720

■ Hongkong :                                        

Leverage Global Limited
Address: Room 1318-19, Hollywood Plaza, 610 Nathan Road, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Phone: + 852 9045 0526



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+86 21 64067720


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