ZDHC (Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals) is an organization driven by textile, apparel, leather, and footwear brands and retailers, in collaboration with their supply chains and other industry associations, to achieve the ultimate goal of zero discharge of hazardous chemicals. The organization's mission is "to guide the value chain in using safer chemicals for a cleaner planet and a brighter future."
Incheck - ZDHC not only provides enterprises with a Chemical Management Platform, known as the Chemical Module, but also offers the Performance InCheck report, an easy-to-read chemical inventory report.
It gives an overall compliance score with the ZDHC MRSL for all chemical products in the enterprise's inventory and highlights areas for further improvement.
▶Enterprises must provide consecutive 3 months of Performance InCheck reports.
▶LVG notifies the enterprise in advance to undergo due diligence.
▶LVG conducts on-site verification.
▶LVG compiles the verification report and uploads it to the ZDHC Gateway.
▶Upon completion of the ZDHC verification, a verified mark will be displayed on the enterprise's account.
▶Receipt of the factory sampling application.
▶Confirmation of sampling time with the factory.
▶On-site visit by sampling personnel to conduct a 7-hour composite sampling of wastewater according to the specified procedure.
▶After sampling, the samples are preserved in the dark and shipped refrigerated to the laboratory for testing.
Murphy Fei + 86 13917452486
Aron Qu + 86 13917794381
Weber Hu + 86 18817921025
■Shanghai : Leverage Limited (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.Address: Room 402, No 2. Building, No .1328, Hengnan Rd, Shanghai, China Phone: + 86 21 64067720 Email: cs@leveragelimited.com | ■ Hongkong : Leverage Global LimitedAddress: Room 1318-19, Hollywood Plaza, 610 Nathan Road, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong Phone: + 852 9045 0526 Email: info@leveragelimited.com |
【Contact Us】
+86 21 64067720
Email: info@leveragelimited.com